2021年オープンデー/Open Day 2021
Sat, 07 Aug
|Ashfield Public School
2022年度入学・編入希望者対象のオープンデーです。 Open Day for 2022 prospective students and families. If you would like to participate, please fill in the registration form from the "Register" button below.
07 Aug 2021, 10:00 am
Ashfield Public School, Liverpool Rd, Ashfield NSW 2131 Australia
Booking for NSW Japanese School Open Day is now open.
Please note, in the event of COVID restriction, Open Day may have to be rescheduled.
日時 / Date and Time:
Saturday 7 August 2021, 10:00am (Reception 9:45am~10:00am) Scheduled to end in the morning.
場所 / Location:
Ashfield Public School
(Liverpool Rd, Ashfield NSW 2131)
参加費用 / Cost:
無料 Free
申込み方法 / How to book:
If you would like to participate, please fill in the "Registration form". The information required for the registration form is as follows.
- 参加する保護者のお名前 / Parent or Carer’s name
- メールアドレス / Email address
- 携帯電話番号 / Mobile number
- 入学を希望されるお子様のお名前 / Child’s name
- 入学を希望されるお子様の生年月日 / Child’s date of birth(入学最低年齢条件は2022年2月1日時点で満3歳半以上であること / Accepted age is over 3.6 years old as at 1st Feb 2022)
- 同伴者の人数 / Number of additional guests (※Covid規制により参加可能な人数が変動する場合がございます。
Due to Covid restrictions a limit might be placed on the maximum number of the guests allowed. )
オープンデー内容 / Schedule:
- 授業見学 / Open classrooms
- 運営委員より補習校、運営、会計などについての説明 / Information session about the school by the management committee
- 主任教師より授業についての説明 / Information session about the lesson by the head teacher
Please note this schedule is subject to change.
皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。We are looking forward to your visit.
NSW日本語補習校 教職員一同 / NSW Japanese School